AMANTIS Analytics DataOps BigData Analytics Artificial Intelligence SaaS Data Mining ML & DL DevOps Business Analysis

Data experts. On-Prem and Cloud.

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DataOps & DevOps


DataOps & DevOps


DataOps & DevOps


DataOps & DevOps

Data & Automation is our expertise

Based on best practices and customer requirements.


Our approach is best on best practices and based on the customer’s specific requirements and needs.

Cost effective

We do more in less time. We keep it simple and straight forward.

Data consumer

It’s all about making sense of the data.

Our approach

How Amantis Analytics adds value!

How we can help you!

To perform data analytics, you will need to gather and organise data, clean and preprocess it as needed, and then use statistical and visualisation techniques to analyse and interpret the data. Depending on the specific business requirement, you may also need to build models or use machine learning algorithms to make predictions or recommendations based on the data.

Some common tools and technologies used in data analytics include:

Programmin Languages

Programming languages (e.g., Python, Java, SQL, C/C++, R)

Business Insights

Data visualisation software (e.g., Tableau, QlikView, Power BI)


Data management and storage systems (e.g., DWHs, databases, data lakes, batch, streaming, etc.).


Cloud computing platforms (e.g., Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, Azure)

Benefits of AI & Data Analytics with Amantis Analytics

Experienced consultants on Saas and DaaS. Now days the importance of becoming a data driven organisation is crucial. Data analytics can provide numerous benefits to businesses and organisations, including:

Improved decision making

Data can provide insights and evidence to inform decisions, which can lead to better outcomes.

Simple Process

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Increased efficiency

Data can be used to identify inefficiencies and optimise processes, resulting in cost savings and improved productivity.

Powerful Hardware

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Increased competitiveness

Data can be used to gain a competitive edge by identifying new opportunities and understanding customer needs.

Variety of Currencies

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Better customer understanding

Data can be used to gain insights into customer behaviour, preferences, and needs, which can inform marketing and product development strategies.

Reliable and Safe

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Better risk management

Data can be used to identify and mitigate potential risks, which can help organisations avoid costly mistakes and protect their reputation.

Available Worlwide

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Increased competitiveness

Organisations that adopt AI can gain a competitive edge by using advanced technology to identify new opportunities, improve customer service and stay ahead of the curve.


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Becoming a Data & AI Driven Organisation

Improved efficiency and Greater accuracy

AI can perform tasks faster and more accurately than humans, allowing businesses to save time and resources and AI systems can be trained to recognise patterns and make decisions based on data, leading to more accurate results.

Enhanced decision-making and Enhanced innovation

BigData Analytics and AI can analyse large amounts of data and provide insights and recommendations to support better decision-making and By providing businesses with the ability to analyse large amounts of data and identify trends and patterns, AI can support the development of new products and services.

Increased productivity and Cost savings

By automating routine and repetitive tasks, AI can free up human workers to focus on more creative and strategic work, increasing productivity and By automating tasks and improving efficiency, AI can help businesses reduce costs.

AI & Data Analytics Growth and Adoption

Why your organisation should adopt AI & become a data-driven organisation. Predictions:

Flexibility & Scope

We are specialised in a broad range of industries and Remote work worldwide, also known as telecommuting(remote) which can provide numerous benefits to both employees and employers. 



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